
  • Observation:
    history of over-activity, suppleness, delayed motor system development, neuromuscular, tendons and arthrogenic symptoms, mono/ poly articular, recurring sprains to for example ankles, subluxations, tiredness, headaches, relatively many visits to doctors/specialists, psychological symptoms.
  • Screening:
    Beighton, Bulbena

Physiotherapy's domain is the posture and movement.

1. Local treatment of complaints: common interventions:

  • exercise therapy
  • massage: combating pain, relaxation, improving circulation, frictions, trigger point treatment
  • physio-technique: UG and others
  • heat application and others

2. Comprehensive treatment of symptoms:

  • Bugnet Method, posture resistance therapy, is part of the physical therapy.
    Comprehensive treatment is recommended to treat and prevent chronic symptom patterns.
    Our practical experience provides the view below.
    • The principle is that stability and posture are prerequisities for movement. Reflexive stability proves to be of essential importance in enabling the body to resist pushing and pulling forces Strains during everyday movement and sport etc. can be avoided this way.
    • Bugnet therapy offers the opportunity of re-automating the posture reflexes via conscious guidance. Muscle chains, connective tissue, etc. are trained in a static fashion in specially selected postures. The quality of everyday posture and movement improves, so that strains can be prevented. Pain symptoms are reduced, poses can be held and movement continued for longer periods before strains and pain occur, the number of (sub)luxations decreases, there is less tiredness and medication can often be reduced by the doctor.
    • Dynamic exercises can replace the static exercises when the symptoms decrease, the posture reflexes become automated and the quality of posture and movement improves. Daily continuation of the Bugnet exercises appears to have a positive effect.
    • Participation in a sport which makes use of the static principles of Bugnet is recommended: fitness, swimming, cycling, etc. Supervision of the quality and intensity of the posture and movement could completely or locally prevent strains and relapses.

Practice observations:

  • The patient's motivation and willingness to exercise everyday are conditions for recovery.
  • A good explanation of HSD, the possible causes of the symptoms and consequences, posture and movement, the pattern of any possible reduction of symptoms due to therapy, the importance of own contribution and recovery geared to the individual patient all appear to be of great importance to the motivation.
  • It must be said that the cause of hypermobility also has an effect. There seem to be differences in the pattern of symptoms and their influence with HSD or a genetic disorder in which hypermobility occurs, such as E.D. or Marfan.
  • The chronicity is also a factor: revalidation for the more long-term and extensive patterns of symptoms is often slower with more ups and downs/relapse periods. Bearing capacity, degree of ability to recover etc.
  • Periods of sickness, operations etc. delay recovery. In general patients appear to recover more slowly.
  • A local symptom often causes more symptoms in adjoining areas or even symptoms over the whole body.